Duane Maktima


Duane Maktima takes vibrantly colored and unusual semi-precious stones, a phenomenal knowledge of aesthetic design from ancient iconography to contemporary Art Deco motifs, and creates jewelry that is distinguished, provocative, and exquisite. Maktima's use of color and line clearly point to his …

Duane Maktima takes vibrantly colored and unusual semi-precious stones, a phenomenal knowledge of aesthetic design from ancient iconography to contemporary Art Deco motifs, and creates jewelry that is distinguished, provocative, and exquisite. Maktima's use of color and line clearly point to his background as a painter; his stones have an inherent energy that his eye recognizes and his skilled hands then set them into intriguing silver and gold settings that elevate his rings, necklaces, and pendants to engaging works of art with magnificent presence. Duane has been a source of encouragement, empowerment, and enthusiasm among southwestern jewelry artists for long enough that he is becoming a legend in his own time. A principled approach to his design, a tenacious respect for his Laguna/Hopi ancestry, and exhaustive research into the past accomplishments of his predecessors allow Duane Maktima to offer pieces to the Blue Rain Galery that truly are classic works from one of the most highly respected contemporary artists working today.

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