Cara Romero


Cara Romero, of the Chemehuevi Indian Tribe, is a contemporary fine art photographer based out of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Her fascinating and surreal photos are thoughtfully composed to tell narratives of modern Native peoples. Through her work, Romero …

Cara Romero, of the Chemehuevi Indian Tribe, is a contemporary fine art photographer based out of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Her fascinating and surreal photos are thoughtfully composed to tell narratives of modern Native peoples. Through her work, Romero portrays the resilience and complexity of indigenous culture from a uniquely Native American female perspective. She utilizes her craft as a tool to comment on Native American social issues, affirm the long-standing and thriving presence of indigenous culture, combat Eurocentric stereotypes and narratives, and transcribe the distinctively indigenous worldview into a visually captivating, deeply layered photographic story. Both collective Native histories and her own lived experiences are rendered through her dramatic compositions. 

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