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Blue Rain Gallery: A Downtown Anchor in Santa Fe

November 18th, 2015

The New Mexican experience can be found in the culture, traditions, and arts native to New Mexico. In discussing the staples of this region certain focal points will occur: green and red chile, sunsets, the immense cultural depths of Native American and Spanish traditions, and the art that makes New Mexico unique. In the capital city of New Mexico, Blue Rain Gallery reigns supreme in the forefront for introducing New Mexican art and culture to the world. Since 1993, Blue Rain Gallery has brought together the most prolific artists from New Mexico and abroad. The Gallery undeniably has one of the best venues for exhibiting art in town, and enjoys its status as an anchor in the downtown art community.

Blue Rain Gallery-with its ambitious schedule of shows and events, and celebrated cast of artists-helps to form the core of the city and its trends. Despite the changes in the downtown, and the flux of galleries on Lincoln Avenue, Blue Rain remains a constant-a destination for travelers and locals alike. When asked what makes Blue Rain Gallery so prolific, Director of Business Development, Denise Phetteplace says, “the gallery has always been forward thinking in its approach to business. Blue Rain Gallery consistently stays ahead of the curve.“ And with a recent 4000 square foot expansion, the gallery now boasts one of the largest art showrooms in the city.

But one cannot speak about Blue Rain Gallery without mentioning the mastermind behind it, Leroy Garcia. Phetteplace states that, “Owner Leroy Garcia has always been viewed as cutting edge in the art world, tirelessly searching for new young talent, spearheading collaborations between his artists, and always giving his collectors something fresh to look forward to. He advocates for a friendly, engaging and dynamic environment-and he has created a team that delivers that and more. Leroy is inventive, intuitive, and a true entrepreneur.”

Featuring an extraordinary collection of paintings, bronze and ceramic sculptures, pottery, and jewelry, Blue Rain Gallery sets the bar high for quality and collectible art in the Southwest. As a nationally respected gallery firmly rooted in Santa Fe, Blue Rain Gallery helps add to the national spotlight that the City Different has come to enjoy.


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