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Raymond Gibby

Light in the Darkness

Bronze, edition #16/20, 21"h x 6.5"w x 8"d, Item No. 20549,

"As I was sculpting "Light in the Darkness" I was imagining what it would be like to be walking in the woods at night and to have a flashlight catch the view of a brightly colored barn owl. It might be startling and even a bit scary to some people to be surprised by seeing that this creature of the night had been watching you the whole time. But what this experience would show is that life and light can still thrive even when darkness reigns. There is beauty to be found everywhere, even in times of discouragement.

I find it very appropriate that I finished the first piece in this limited edition just as the country and the world was shutting down from the attack of Covid-19. It has served as a reminder for me to look for the light during the dark times. And if we do, we will find that life is still thriving and there is much good to be found." - Raymond Gibby