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Erin Currier

Sofi la Cantadora de Buenos Aires

Acrylic and mixed media on panel, 36"h x 24"w, Item No. 20407,

Erin Currier: “I was at a Milonga dancing tango in Rio de Janeiro where there were two live musicians from Argentina: a male guitar player named Ushi and a female singer named Sofi. Their music would have made all their predecessors proud: Canaro, D’Arienzo, Piazolla — all the Tango Greats of the past would have approved of their poignant and powerful performance. What struck me most about Sofi was that her beautiful, young, petite form seemed in complete juxtaposition to the fierce, guttural, intense voice of the sort only summoned from depths and decades of life experience; it came from a very old and imperishable heart! I danced all evening— taking occasional breaks to sketch the pair. Later they asked to see my drawings and loved them, and we have maintained correspondence ever since. Sofi in her own words:

Sofía Gardella

Bailarina,cantora y maestra de tango.

Actualmente canto en un trío de tango a dos guitarras. "LA GITANA TRÍO" . @lagitanatrio

Y organizo una milonga donde este trío en anfitrión y doy las clases de tango, vals criollo y milonga.



Sofia Gardella

Dancer, singer and tango teacher.

I currently sing in a tango trio with two guitars. "THE GYPSY TRIO". @lagitanatrio

And I organize a milonga where this trio hosts and I give tango, criollo waltz and milonga classes.



In my homage to this remarkable human, I have layered Wish Tattoo flyers from San Diego, torn Brazilian Portuguese posters from a place that buys gold, a mascara package from Sao Paolo, Honey Mama chocolate wrappers, and a Double Time Dance Studio punch card.”